

"Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out" Romans 12, verse 2 (The Message)


God's sun verse

InsideOut Expressions is a web site that gathers a variety of poems, articles, pictures, photographs and other expressions from the heart. We hope that as you look at these items your inner spirit will be enriched and encouraged for your own journey.

Most items are provided in 'pdf' format and can be viewed with an Acrobat plug-in to your browser by simply clicking on the item and it will open in a new browser window. Alternatively items can be downloaded and viewed in a free Acrobat viewer or by right clicking on items and selecting 'save target as..'


Articles & Stories

Pictures, Photographs & Cartoons


Other Links

Contributions are welcomed for additions to the site at the web master's discretion. Please note that copyright of all items remains with the person named on the item. If you wish to use an item please seek approval as a courtesy to the authors. The items are not to be used for any commercial purposes without approval. Copyright owners can be contacted through this site
